304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Savanna armchair with great sensuality carved in wood


Discover the essence of nature’s grace in every detail of the Sylvan Chair. Slender and flexible, this masterpiece seamlessly blends delicate weaves reminiscent of organic branches, crafting a visual narrative that brings the outdoors in.

The Sylvan Chair is a symphony of artistry and lightness, with its wooden structure expertly shaped to embody curvilinear traits. As you engage with its fluid, sinuous lines, a sense of harmony envelops you, a sensation further enhanced by the luxurious leather finish that defines its silhouette, xinyean furniture
Experience the luxury and sustainability blend in our products. Crafted from premium, standard natural ASH wood, we ensure responsible quality. Discover an authentic product range committed to preserving the beauty of our planet.

Indulge in the timeless allure of our furniture, showcasing nature’s beauty in every detail. Each piece reflects the sophistication of premium, responsibly sourced wood.

With “XINYEAN,” you make a conscious choice to support ethical and eco-friendly practices. Create spaces that celebrate both refinement and conscious living.

Unite luxury with purpose as you adorn your home with our responsibly crafted offerings. Welcome the beauty of nature into your living spaces.



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